ঢাকা, বাংলাদেশ   শুক্রবার ১৮ অক্টোবর ২০২৪, ৩ কার্তিক ১৪৩১


Class : Five

রতন চন্দ্র বাড়ই

প্রকাশিত: ০১:২৫, ৩০ মার্চ ২০২৩

Class : Five


প্রাক্তন শিক্ষক 
হলি রোজারি হাই স্কুল, ঢাকা

Read the text and answer the questions 5,  6, 7 and 8.
Once there lived a poor man. He had a goose. It was a wonderful goose. Because it laid golden eggs. The man was very happy with the goose. In course of time, he become very greedy and he thought that it was difficult for him to have patience. He grew impatient to have all the eggs at a time.
One day he thought it hi got all the eggs at a time, he would be very rich quickly. He was quietly tempted. As a result, he hit upon a plan to cut the belly of the goose and collect all the eggs all together. In order to implement his plan, he took a knife and cut the belly of the goose. To his utter surprise, he found no egg there. Another sad news for him was that the goose died from bleeding. The farmer was very shocked at the incident. He realized that he implemented a foolish plan. For his greed, he lost the wonderful goose forever.
5. Fill in the blanks with the correct word from the box below. There are three extra words which you need not use.
(a) The farmer had a — goose.
(b) The farmer was not a — man.
(c) He became — to have all the eggs at a time.
(d) He — to be rich very soon.
(e) He found no egg after cutting the — of the goose.
6. Read the following statements and write ‘True’ of ‘False’. If false give the correct answer.
(a) The poor man had an ordinary goose.
(b) The poor man was very happy because the goose laid golden eggs.
(c) The poor man became greedy in course of time.
(d) The poor man hit upon a plan to cut the belly of the goose.
(e) The cut the belly of the goose with a knife.
(f) He got all the golden eggs at a time, after cutting its belly.
7. Answer the following questions in a sentence or sentences.
(a) What would the poor man get every day?
(b) Why did he cut the belly of the goose?
(c) What did the find after cutting the belly of the goose?
(d) What did the farmer realize at last?
(e) What did the farmer do to become rich quickly? Why was the farmer very shocked?
8. Re-arrange the words in appropriate order to make meaningful sentences.
(a) Bangladesh, a, reading, he, about, is, book.
(b) flu, I, the, have.
(c) Pyramid, look, of, the, picture, at, the, Food.
(d) firefighters, came, the, put, out, the, fire, and, soon.
(e) also, district, Kishoreganj, famous, home, is, the, some, of, people.
Answer :
5. (a) wonderful (b) wise (c) greedy (d) wanted (e) belly
6. (a) False. Correct answer : The poor man had a wonderful goose.
(b) True
(c) True
(d) True
(e) True
(f) False, Correct answer : He found no egg inside after cutting its belly.
7. (a) The poor man would get a golden egg everyday.
(b) He cut the belly of the goose to get all the eggs at a time.
(c) After cutting the belly of the goose, he found nothing.
(d) The farmer implemented his foolish plan. He at last realized that too much greed brought misfortune for him.
(e) To become rich quickly, the farmer cut the belly of the goose. He was very shocked because he found no egg there and the goose died from bleeding.
8. (a) He is reading a book about Bangladesh.
(b) I have the flu.
(c) Look at the picture of the Food Pyramid.
(d) Soon the firefighters came and put out the fire.
(e) Kishoreganj is also the home district of some famous people.

